Vice President

Organizations on the forefront of their industry, those that are creative, dynamic, successful and enduring all share some DNA within their cultural genome - They hold their employees in high regard. A truth these companies bear along with most every other employer is that their second largest business expense after payroll is the cost to provide an employee benefit package to their workforce. When you consider the expense to administer and communicate that benefit package it imposes even more pressure on profits.

For 30 plus years I have partnered with my clients to help them manage this portion of their human capital investment. Successful companies view this as an investment, however, it doesn’t change the requisite that it must be nurtured. New ideas need to be tested on a continuous basis. Last year’s decisions need to be measured against this year’s opportunities.

Test, improve, implement, repeat.

All organizations make a widget in some way, shape or form. For some, that is what they are in business to do. For others, it is simply a means to create the best employee experience on the planet. I thrive working with employers across this spectrum. I grow with those that are continuously testing the limits and then I supply that knowledge and creativity to those who need it the most.
